RIMEP, many of the members are JAMES members who have diverse experiences and expertise, will undertake projects in the best posture, if necessary, in cooperation with academic institutions, educational institutions, governmental agencies, private companies, and non-government /non-profit organizations.
Board Members
・KOJIMA,Tonshinori : Director
Engineering research on environment and energy, Chairman of the Japan Desert Society,
Deputy chairman of the Japan Energy Society , Professor of Seikei University, Doctor of Engineering
・YAGITA,Hiroshi: Deputy director
Affiliation: Professor, Nippon Institute of Technology Common Education Group
Research / activity fields: Environmental evaluation of life cycle of various product systems, technical evaluation of energy systems
・AKIYOSHI,Yuuko: Deputy director
Environment/food related activities, Y&A Space,
Professor Emeritus of Seigakuin University, Doctor of Law, Advisor of JAMES
・NIGEME, Eisei : Executive board member of RIMEP
Representative Director of Design Water Co., Ltd., Secretariat of Japan Macro Engineering Society
・NARUO, Shinji : Auditor of RIMEP
Advisor, Naruo Research Institute Co., Ltd.